Matt Andresen

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4 New Year resolutions for consumers to try, in order to save money in 2014

Another year is over and it’s time to start on a fresh note again. We are a week removed from New Year’s day and it’s high time to start following the resolutions rigorously. Every new year provides you with an opportunity to boost finances and live healthy and wealthy. It’s all about how well you grab the opportunity to keep your finances on track. However, it’s a general habit to make new year resolutions and leave them in midway. Saving money should be a habit too!  So I pray you get back in the habit or start a habit of saving money.  Think of it as paying yourself to stick to your resolution.

4 Resolutions that you must follow rigorously in 2014 to save more

Around 54% of Americans consider financial resolutions to be extremely important. Well, financial resolutions are important and you must follow them to keep your finances healthy. So, here are 5 most essential financial resolutions that you must follow to keep your savings growing. Have a look at the 4 resolutions below:

401(k)1. Be resolute to save enough for your 401 (K) plan: Apart from your liquid savings account and emergency fund, it’s important to save in 401 (K) plan as well. 401 (K) is a specific retirement savings plan provided by most of the employers. This is a great way to secure financial life after retirement. So, this year make it a point to max out your contributions to the 401 (K) plan. Talk to your employer and start savings on a regular basis.

Credit cards2. Make it a point to use credit cards as little as possible: Be more resolute this year to manage your credit cards carefully. Take care of the cards and it’ll be easier enough to tame the bills. Keep checking your account statements every month, don’t shop beyond 30% of the credit limit and pay all the bills in full before the due date. These habits are essential to make the most of your credit. In this way, you’ll be able to control your credit card debts and your credibility will increase along with your savings.

Debt-blocks-3. Get rid of the habit of debt accumulation: Neglecting debt is something that can ruin your finances beyond your imagination. Many people are there who come up with the resolution to eliminate debts every year but right after a few months, they start falling behind. If you’re also a part of that group, then make sure to change your habit. Consolidate your due bills or arrange a settlement with your creditors. These are the most effective ways to eliminate debts gradually.

Coupons4. Be a bit more responsible as a consumer: Apart from everything else, the best new year resolution can be controlling your spending habits. When it comes to saving money, nothing can be more effective than controlling your expenses. If you’ve already spent a lot for your New Year bash, then make it a point to keep your expenses low for the coming months. Pay off your due bills first. Only after clearing your dues you should think of spending. But never spend beyond the limit of your affordability.

So, with the arrival of a new year make it a point to follow these 4 resolutions and save money to secure your financial future.



Author Bio- Andrew Jackson is a financial writer who loves to analyze personal finance and credit card relate issues to help consumers manage their money. He regularly contributes to numerous informative blogs and financial websites.To get the more information on personal finance & credit card debt issues you can join the Google+ Page of Ovlg.